The initial encounter of a first date is brimming with anticipation, nervous energy, and the desire to leave a lasting impression. Amidst the myriad...
Real Housewives of Durban (RHOD) star Nonku Williams claims that her ex-partner Dumisani Ndlazi (also known as Rough Diamond or RD) is harassing her...
Sello Maake kaNcube, the esteemed actor, has officially initiated divorce proceedings with his wife, Pearl Solo Mbewe, marking the end of their once-envisioned fairy...
Manchester City 0-0 Arsenal. Manchester City and Arsenal handed Liverpool the advantage in the Premier League title race as they played out a bitterly...
Sheffield United 3-3 Fulham. Rodrigo Muniz scored with a spectacular injury-time bicycle kick as Fulham came back from two goals down to deny bottom-of-the-table...