Chidinma Adetshina, a 23-year-old contestant in the Miss South Africa competition, has reportedly attempted to take her own life following her withdrawal from the...
J Molley, the popular South African rapper and musician, has made a surprising move by deleting his Instagram account, which had amassed over 200,000...
Mia Le Roux, the newly crowned Miss South Africa 2024, has expressed her heartfelt gratitude to her supporters following her victory. Overwhelmed with emotion,...
South African radio presenter and Crown Gospel Award founder Zanele Mbokazi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Ukhozi FM, where Zanele worked...
Chidimma Adetshina has withdrawn from the Miss SA competition. This follows the Department of Home Affairs announcing yesterday that it had reasons to believe...
Prince Kaybee, the renowned South African DJ and music producer, has opened up about his experiences with public scrutiny, stating that he has grown...
Award-winning South African actress Sindi Dlathu has left TV show Queendom. Phil Mphela, an entertainment commentator said the actress left because of financial woes....