Que and Goldman who are famously known as the Distruction Boyz announce their split months after reuniting. The Gqom duo initially separated in 2020...
Zakes Bantwini, Nomcebo Zikode and Wouter Kellerman win Grammy Award For Best Global Music Performance. The South African artists won for their song Bayethe...
Idols SA is reportedly coming to an end after 21 years of entertainment. Phil Mphela, an entertainment commentator announced the latest development about the...
Portuguese-style chorizo pasta salad recipe. Nothing beats this pasta salad made of simple flavourful ingredients. Easy to put together and even easier to eat....
Tottenham Hotspur 1 – 0 Manchester City. Harry Kane became Tottenham’s all-time record scorer, surpassing the great Jimmy Greaves, as his 267th goal for...