Kairo Forbes, the young daughter of the late South African rapper AKA, has dedicated her recent Nickelodeon Award to her father. The heartwarming gesture...
Social media was abuzz after celebrated podcaster MacG made some damning allegations that have since thrust Master KG, Sir Trill and Nkosazana Daughter into...
Joe Manganiello, Sofia Vergara’s ex-husband denied her claims that they divorced after a disagreement about kids. The 47-year-old actor appeared in a recent interview...
South African music sensation Makhadzi was greeted with a heroic welcome during her homecoming celebration in Limpopo. The event, hosted by newly-appointed Premier of...
Infamous South African gossiper Musawenkosi ‘Musa’ Khawula has been arrested due to a murder case. The controversial socialite was arrested due to an outstanding...
Renowned South African rapper Cassper Nyovest has recently shared a profound transformation in his life, revealing that he now finds himself crying often since...
South African model and television personality Blue Mbombo shows off a bold new look—shaving her head bald. Known for her stunning beauty and fashion-forward...