MFR Souls, the popular South African Amapiano duo, have recently addressed rumors about their potential breakup. These rumors began circulating on social media, causing...
South African rapper J Molley has announced that he is embarking on a spiritual journey after surrendering his life to Jesus Christ. This announcement...
Luthando “LootLove” Shosha has returned to Metro FM after hours of being suspended. The radio presenter was suspended for joining political rallies during the...
South African singer Vusi Nova has refuted rumors circulating about his involvement in a car accident over the past weekend. Vusi expressed his frustration...
Zodwa Wabantu, the well-known South African entertainer, has openly expressed her disappointment and regret over helping some individuals she describes as ungrateful. She highlighted...
Award-winning music producer Chymamusique announces his birthday. The DJ is excited about the birthday and he’s poured out his mind about the event on...
Actress and businesswoman Sophie Ndaba was discharged from hospital today after being treated at a Johannesburg hospital after snapping her ankle. Sophie broke her...