The much-anticipated Roast of Pearl Thusi is set to take place this November, promising a night filled with humor, celebrity appearances, and sharp jabs...
Nasty C, the trailblazing South African rapper and songwriter, has reached a groundbreaking milestone by becoming the first South African hip-hop artist to surpass...
“Kwa Mam’Mkhize” reality show returns for season 2. Shauwn Mkhize will be premiering the second season of her reality show, Kwa Mam’mkhize soon. The...
DJ Zinhle celebrates her friend, Thabs who turns 31-year-old today. The entrepreneur is one of Zinhle’s friends who was featured on her reality show,...
Palesa Madisakwane quits being a Sangoma after being born again. The socialite shared a video of herself tearing into pieces her sangoma cloth. There...
It had been two months since AmaZulu star Bongi Ntuli and the football club’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sinenjabulo Zungu’s white wedding when the...