The much-anticipated Roast of Pearl Thusi is set to take place this November, promising a night filled with humor, celebrity appearances, and sharp jabs...
Nasty C, the trailblazing South African rapper and songwriter, has reached a groundbreaking milestone by becoming the first South African hip-hop artist to surpass...
Itumeleng Issac “Itu” Khune professionally known as Itu Khune motivates his supporters with his success story. The South African soccer star shared photos depicting...
Babes Wodumo has reportedly returned to her parent’s house after being discharged from the hospital over two months ago. The singer, real name Bongekile...
Sonia Mbele is reportedly dating the 31-year-old businessman Matome Sefalafala, who is married to Meo Mochadibane. Controversial Musa Khawula revealed that the TV producer...