The much-anticipated Roast of Pearl Thusi is set to take place this November, promising a night filled with humor, celebrity appearances, and sharp jabs...
Nasty C, the trailblazing South African rapper and songwriter, has reached a groundbreaking milestone by becoming the first South African hip-hop artist to surpass...
Nadia Nakai celebrates her late lover, Kiernan AKA Forbes’ wins. The rapper’s last offering Mass Country has amassed numerous success, and his family members...
Somizi Mhlongo is reportedly dumped by Pholoso Mohlala who returned to his babymama. According to Sunday World, Mohlala rekindled love for the mother of...
Musa Mseleku doesn’t regret marrying his four wives – MaKhumalo, MaYeni, MaNgwabe, and MaCele. The 45-year-old took to Instagram to gush over his wives...