The much-anticipated Roast of Pearl Thusi is set to take place this November, promising a night filled with humor, celebrity appearances, and sharp jabs...
Nasty C, the trailblazing South African rapper and songwriter, has reached a groundbreaking milestone by becoming the first South African hip-hop artist to surpass...
Sizwe Dhlomo is on the long list of local and international celebrities who have lost their Twitter verification Sizwe Dhlomo is the many celebrities...
Dr. Mmereka Patience Martha Ntshani, popularly known as Dr. Pashy has finally opened a case at the Sandton Police Station against Dr. Nandipha Magudumana...
Facebook Rapist and murderer Thabo Bester and his alleged lover Dr. Nandipha Magudumama left their luxury rental home in Hyde Park; they were finally...